Phenotype And Trait Ontology
1135 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 951 to 1000 of 1135 Records | Page: 20 of 23, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- oligodendrocyte
- oligodendrocyte apoptotic process
- oligodendrocyte development
- oligodendrocyte differentiation
- oligodendrocyte precursor cell
- oligodendrocyte progenitor proliferation
- oligopotent
- ommatidium
- one-carbon compound
- one-carbon compound transport
- onium cation
- onium compound
- only in taxon
- onset quality
- oocyte
- oocyte construction
- oocyte development
- oocyte differentiation
- oocyte growth
- oocyte localization involved in germarium-derived egg chamber formation
- oocyte maturation
- oocyte microtubule cytoskeleton organization
- oocyte morphogenesis
- oogenesis
- oogonial cell
- ooplasm
- opacity
- opaque
- open
- open anatomical space
- opposite
- optic choroid
- optic choroid fibroblast
- optic cup
- optic cup morphogenesis involved in camera-type eye development
- optic eminence
- optic eminence ectoderm
- optic eminence mesenchyme
- optic neural crest
- optic vesicle
- optic vesicle formation
- optic vesicle morphogenesis
- optical quality
- oral cavity
- oral epithelium
- oral epithelium from ectoderm
- oral gland
- oral lamina propria
- oral mucosa squamous cell
- oral opening