Phenotype And Trait Ontology
810 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 810 Records | Page: 1 of 17, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- (R)-noradrenaline
- (R)-noradrenaline(1+)
- RNA biosynthetic process
- RNA export from nucleus
- RNA import into nucleus
- RNA localization
- RNA localization to chromatin
- RNA localization to nucleus
- RNA metabolic process
- RNA transport
- RO_0002259
- Rodentia
- radial glia-guided pyramidal neuron migration
- radial symmetry
- radiating
- radiation emitting intensity quality
- radiation emitting quality
- radiation quality
- radiation reflective quality
- radioactive
- radiopacity
- radiopaque
- radius
- raised
- random pattern
- raphe nuclei
- raphe nuclei neuron
- rate
- rate of continuous process
- rate of occurence
- ratio
- reagent
- realized in response to
- realized in response to stimulus
- receives input from
- recent
- receptivity
- reciprocal of
- reclinate
- rectangular
- recurrent
- recurrent laryngeal nerve
- recurved
- red
- red bone marrow
- red brown
- reduced virulence
- reflectivity
- reflex angle to
- refractile