Population and Community Ontology
38 terms(s) returned
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- Primates
- page
- pair of interacting organisms
- pair of interacting organisms of the same species
- parasite
- parasite isolate population
- part of
- part of structure that is capable of
- participates in
- party
- pending final vetting
- phosphorylates
- physical object quality
- physical quality
- physical quality of a process
- placeholder removed
- plant density
- plant density of a population
- plant density of an ecological community
- population birth rate
- population death rate
- population extinction
- population growth
- population growth rate
- population migration
- population of organisms
- population process
- population quality
- positively regulated by
- positively regulates
- potluck
- preceded by
- precedes
- present
- process
- process has causal agent
- process quality
- publisher