Planarian Phenotype Ontology
51 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 51 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- ER membrane
- early female germ cell
- early male germ cell
- ectolecithal embryo
- efferent neuron
- egg capsule
- electrically responsive cell
- electrically signaling cell
- elongate spermatid
- embryo
- embryonic cell
- embryonic digestive system
- embryonic gut
- embryonic gut cavity
- embryonic gut cell
- embryonic gut cell surface
- embryonic pharynx
- embryonic pharynx circular muscle cell
- embryonic pharynx epithelial cell
- embryonic pharynx lumen
- embryonic pharynx lumen epithelial surface
- embryonic pharynx neuron
- embryonic pharynx radial muscle cell
- embryonic structure
- embryonic subdivision
- embryonic wall
- endoplasmic reticulum
- enteric muscle cell
- enteric musculature
- enteric neuron
- epidermal cell
- epidermal progenitor cell
- epidermal rhabdite
- epidermis
- epithelial cell
- epithelial cell component
- epithelium
- esophagus
- euchromatin
- eumelanin
- excitatory motor neuron
- excretory cell
- extracellular matrix
- extracellular organelle
- extracellular space
- extraembryonic cell
- extraembryonic organ
- extraembryonic structure
- eye
- eye cell