Porifera Ontology
981 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 981 Records | Page: 1 of 20, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Bronsted acid
- Escherichia coli metabolite
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite
- UBERON_0000105
- UBERON_0000480
- acantho
- acanthophore
- acanthostyle
- acanthostyle.png
- accessory spicule
- accretive reticulation
- acellular anatomical structure
- acerate spicule
- acid
- actin-based cell projection
- actine ray
- actinocyte
- adjacent to
- agglutinated support
- ala
- alkaline earth cation
- alkaline earth metal atom
- alkaline earth molecular entity
- alkaline earth salt
- alveolate skeleton
- amararhysis
- ambucinate
- amorphous
- amphiaster
- amphiblastula
- amphidisc
- amphitriaene
- amphitrider
- anastomosing
- anatomical axis
- anatomical entity
- anatomical structure
- anatomical structure
- anatomical structure development
- anatomical system
- anatriaene
- anaxial desma
- anchor
- anchorate chela
- angulate spicule
- animal cell
- animal metabolite
- anion
- aniso-
- anisochela