Porifera Ontology
141 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 141 of 141 Records | Page: 3 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- coenosteum
- collagen fascicle
- collagen fibril
- collar body
- collencyte
- column
- columnar
- comitalia
- comma
- comment
- composed primarily of
- composite particle
- compound fiber
- compressible
- confused skeleton
- conical megasclere
- consider
- continuant
- continuous with
- conulose surface
- corallite (= calyx)
- cored fiber
- corrugated surface
- cortex
- cortical skeleton
- cortical spicule
- crateriform
- created_by
- creation_date
- crepis
- cri-
- croca
- cruciform cell
- crypt cell
- crypt tissue
- crystal
- crystal ultrastructure
- curved
- cuticle
- cyrtancistra
- cystencyte