Plant Phenology Ontology
50 terms(s) returned
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- Dako Cytomation
- data about an ontology part
- data format specification
- data item
- data set
- data transformation
- data transformation objective
- data visualization
- datum label
- death stage
- decision tree building data transformation
- decision tree induction objective
- defined class
- definition
- dendrogram
- denotator type
- depends on
- depends on structure
- description
- developing seed stage
- developmental process
- developmental process involved in reproduction
- developmentally contributes to
- developmentally preceded by
- developmentally related to
- developmentally succeeded by
- develops from
- develops into
- device utilizes material
- diagram
- dimensionality reduction
- directive information entity
- directly negatively regulated by
- directly negatively regulates
- directly negatively regulates activity of
- directly positively regulated by
- directly positively regulates
- directly positively regulates activity of
- directly regulated by
- directly regulates
- directly regulates activity of
- disposition
- disposition of
- document
- dormancy process
- dormant leaf bud
- dormant leaf bud absent
- dormant leaf bud presence
- dormant leaf bud present
- dot plot