Plant Phenology Ontology
155 terms(s) returned
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- planned process
- plant anatomical entity
- plant axis
- plant cell
- plant embryo
- plant growth cycle
- plant organ
- plant organ development
- plant organ development stage
- plant organ senescence
- plant ovule
- plant phenological trait
- plant regreening process
- plant structure
- plant structure development stage
- plant structure presence
- plant structure present
- plant zygote stage
- pollen sac
- pollen-releasing floral structure
- pollen-releasing floral structure absent
- pollen-releasing floral structure presence
- pollen-releasing floral structure present
- pollen-releasing flower
- pollen-releasing flower absent
- pollen-releasing flower head
- pollen-releasing flower head absent
- pollen-releasing flower head presence
- pollen-releasing flower head present
- pollen-releasing flower presence
- pollen-releasing flower present
- pollen-releasing flower stage
- pollen-releasing microsporangiate strobilus stage
- pollen-releasing pollen cone
- pollen-releasing pollen cone absent
- pollen-releasing pollen cone presence
- pollen-releasing pollen cone present
- portion of a plant
- portion of embryo plant tissue
- portion of meristem tissue
- portion of plant tissue
- positively regulated by
- positively regulates
- positively regulates characteristic
- post-embryonic development
- preceded by
- precedes
- primordium
- principal components analysis dimensionality reduction
- process