Radiation Biology Ontology
91 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 91 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- raphe nuclei
- rectal artery
- rectal lumen
- rectosigmoid junction
- rectum
- rectum smooth muscle tissue
- red bone marrow
- regional part of brain
- regional part of nervous system
- regional part of spinal cord
- regular connective tissue
- renal system
- replacement bone
- replacement element
- reproductive gland
- reproductive gland secretion
- reproductive organ
- reproductive structure
- reproductive system
- reproductive system mucosa
- respiration organ
- respiratory airway
- respiratory muscle
- respiratory primordium
- respiratory primordium epithelium
- respiratory primordium mesenchyme
- respiratory system
- respiratory system arterial blood vessel
- respiratory system arterial endothelium
- respiratory system arterial smooth muscle
- respiratory system arteriole
- respiratory system artery
- respiratory system basement membrane
- respiratory system blood vessel
- respiratory system blood vessel endothelium
- respiratory system blood vessel smooth muscle
- respiratory system capillary
- respiratory system capillary endothelium
- respiratory system connective tissue
- respiratory system elastic tissue
- respiratory system epithelium
- respiratory system fluid/secretion
- respiratory system gland
- respiratory system lamina propria
- respiratory system mucosa
- respiratory system mucus
- respiratory system muscle
- respiratory system skeletal muscle
- respiratory system smooth muscle
- respiratory system submucosa