Physico-chemical process
569 terms(s) returned
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- inhibition of catalysis
- inner-sphere electron transfer
- insertion
- intermembrane electron transfer
- intermolecular rearrangement
- internal conversion
- internal conversion (in photophysics)
- internal ion-pair return
- internal pair production
- interphase transition
- intersystem crossing
- intervalence charge transfer
- intramolecular rearrangement
- inverse of
- ion pair dissociation
- ion-pair return
- ionic copolymerization
- ionic polymerization
- ionization
- irreversible enzyme activation
- irreversible enzyme inhibition
- irreversible inhibition of catalysis
- irreversible modification of enzyme catalysis
- is a
- is reverse of
- isomerase reaction
- isomeric transition
- isomerization
- label
- ligand to metal charge transfer transition
- ligase reaction
- light scattering
- light-driven transport
- linear enzyme inhibition
- living copolymerization
- living polymerization
- luciferin monooxygenase reaction
- luminescence
- lyase reaction
- macroscopic process
- magnesium chelatase reaction
- magnesium-protoporphyrin IX 13-monomethyl ester hydroxylase reaction
- magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (oxidative) cyclase reaction
- magnetic transition
- mass transfer
- mechanism-based inhibition
- melting
- membrane process
- mesomorphic transition
- metal oxidoreductase reaction