Semanticscience Integrated Ontology
1822 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1451 to 1500 of 1822 Records | Page: 30 of 37, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- slide
- slideshow
- slope
- small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA)
- small cytoplasmic RNA (scRNA) gene
- small nuclear RNA (snRNA)
- small nuclear RNA (snRNA) gene
- small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA)
- small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) gene
- social entity
- social relation
- social role
- social structure
- sodium atom
- software application
- software entity
- software execution
- software interpreter
- software library
- software method
- software module
- software process identifier
- software script
- software version label
- solid state hard drive
- solute
- solvent
- some of the time
- sorrow
- sound argument
- sound wave
- spatial boundary
- spatial quantity
- spatial region
- spatial specification
- specialized material entity
- specialized object
- specific gravity
- specification
- specifies
- specimen
- speculation
- speech
- speed
- spherical coordinate system
- splice site
- stack graph
- stacked bar graph
- standard
- standard deviation