Space Life Sciences Ontology
44 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 44 of 44 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Agent
- BusOrCoach
- Car
- CompleteDataFeed
- DCMI Type Vocabulary
- DataFeed
- Dataset
- Date Encoding Schemes
- Drug
- EmployeeRole
- Encoding Schemes for temporal characteristics
- ExercisePlan
- Format Encoding Schemes
- Language Encoding Schemes
- LinkRole
- LymphaticVessel
- MedicalGuidelineRecommendation
- MedicalObservationalStudy
- MedicalRiskScore
- Motorcycle
- MotorizedBicycle
- Observation
- OrganizationRole
- PathologyTest
- PerformanceRole
- Photograph
- Physician
- Place Encoding Schemes
- Platform
- RadiationTherapy
- ReportedDoseSchedule
- ResearchProject
- Resource Identifier Encoding Schemes
- Resource Relation Encoding Schemes
- Resource Type Encoding Schemes
- Role
- Sensor
- Service
- Source Encoding Schemes
- Subject Encoding Schemes
- TreatmentIndication
- Vehicle
- VitalSign
- dataset