Space Life Sciences Ontology
3464 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 2401 to 2450 of 3464 Records | Page: 49 of 70, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- nuclear industry study
- nuclear industry worker
- nuclear installation study
- nuclear particle
- nuclear power plant
- nuclear power reactor
- nuclear proliferation treaty study
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear reactor radiation
- nuclear waste study
- nucleic acid metabolic process
- nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process
- nucleon
- nucleophilic reagent
- numberOfAirbags
- numberOfAxles
- numberOfDoors
- numberOfForwardGears
- numberOfPreviousOwners
- numberedPosition
- nutrient
- object
- object aggregate
- objective specification
- objective_achieved_by
- observation
- observing campaign
- obsolescence reason specification
- occupational health study
- occupational role
- occurrence
- occurrent
- occurs in
- ocean
- ocean biome
- ocean current
- ocean planet
- ocean thermal power station
- office
- office building
- offspring study
- old
- old plant
- one-carbon compound
- onium cation
- onium compound
- opacity
- opaque
- open-pit mine