Space Life Sciences Ontology
3464 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 2751 to 2800 of 3464 Records | Page: 56 of 70, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- polyatomic anion
- polyatomic cation
- polyatomic entity
- polyatomic ion
- polypeptide
- population behaviour study
- population of organisms
- porosity
- porosity of snow
- porosity of soil
- porosity of water ice
- porous
- portion of material
- portion of meristem tissue
- portion of plant tissue
- position
- positively regulated by
- positively regulates
- positively regulates characteristic
- post office box
- postal code
- potential energy
- pound
- pound based unit
- power plant
- power unit
- preceded by
- precedes
- precipitation process
- prefix
- pregnancyCategory
- pregnancyWarning
- preparedness study
- prescribingInfo
- prescriptionStatus
- present
- pressure unit
- presumptive ectoderm
- presumptive structure
- primary aerosol formation process
- primary amide
- primary metabolic process
- primaryTopic
- primordium
- principal components analysis dimensionality reduction
- principal investigator (human)
- principal investigator role
- process
- process has causal agent
- process quality