Space Life Sciences Ontology
3464 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 3101 to 3150 of 3464 Records | Page: 63 of 70, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- sound
- source
- source
- source code module
- space agency
- space flight
- space life sciences dataset
- space radiation
- space station
- spacecraft
- spacecraft module
- spacecraft or location
- spase:Catalog
- spase:DisplayData
- spase:NumericalData
- spatial region
- spatial resolution unit
- spatially coextensive with
- spatially disjoint from
- species
- specific energy measurement datum
- specific volume unit
- specifically dependent continuant
- specimen
- specimen
- specimen collection objective
- specimen collection process
- specimen donor
- specimen from organism
- specimen role
- speed
- speed/velocity unit
- sporophyte development stage
- square centimeter
- square centimeter based unit
- square meter
- square meter based unit
- square micrometer
- square micrometer based unit
- square millimeter
- square millimeter based unit
- stakeholder engagement study
- star
- start date
- statistical model validation
- steeringPosition
- stellar radiation
- stellar radiation energy
- steradian
- steradian based unit