Space Life Sciences Ontology
246 terms(s) returned
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- AES Chemunex
- ARC-SLIMS system name
- Abstract
- Access Rights
- Acquaintance
- Activity
- Address
- Advanced Instruments Inc. (AI Companies)
- Affymetrix
- Afrotropical Ecoregion
- Ag-107 ion radiation
- Agent
- Agent
- Agilent
- Aldabra Island Xeric Scrub Ecoregion
- Alternative
- Ambion
- Amniota
- Angiosperm
- AnnotationProperty
- Antarctic front
- Antigenix
- Apogee Flow Systems
- Applied Biosystems
- Aquarius
- Ar-40 ion radiation
- Arabidopsis
- Archaea
- Arctic front
- Argon-40 nucleus
- Atlantis
- Au-197 ion radiation
- Audience
- Audience Education Level
- Australasia Ecoregion
- Available
- absorbance unit
- absorbance unit based unit
- absorbed dose unit
- absorbed radiation dose
- absorbed radiation dose rate
- acceleration unit
- accelerationTime
- acceptor
- access interface
- accidental anthropogenic radiation exposure
- accidental medical anthropogenic radiation exposure
- accidental non-medical anthropogenic radiation exposure
- accidental radiation exposure