Space Life Sciences Ontology
322 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 151 to 200 of 322 Records | Page: 4 of 7, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- chemical substance
- chemically contaminated sediment
- chemically enriched sediment
- chloride salt
- chlorine molecular entity
- chroma sampling unit
- chroma sampling unit based unit
- chronic external exposure study
- chronic internal contamination study
- chronic mixed exposure route study
- cis-lunar space
- cis-mars space
- city
- civil protection study
- class
- class discovery data transformation
- class discovery objective
- class prediction data transformation
- class prediction objective
- classified data set
- clay
- clay dust
- cleaving embryo
- climactic ecological succession
- clincalPharmacology
- clinical study
- clinical trial study
- clinical tumor stage group according to AJCC 7th edition
- clinicalPharmacology
- closeMatch
- clustered data set
- clustered data visualization
- co-carcinogen
- coal
- coal dust
- coal mine
- coal mine waste material
- coal mining
- coal power plant
- coast
- cobalt-57 gamma radiation
- cobalt-60 gamma radiation
- cofactor
- cold environment
- collection day
- collection of humans
- collection of organisms
- collection of specimens
- collective plant organ structure
- collective plant structure