Space Life Sciences Ontology
208 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 150 of 208 Records | Page: 3 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- derives from
- derives from part of
- derives into
- descripción del end-point del servicio
- description
- description
- desert
- desert area
- desert biome
- desert ecosystem
- desert sand
- desert scrubland
- desertification
- desublimation of water vapour into ice
- desublimation process
- determined by part of
- developing anatomical structure
- developmentally contributes to
- developmentally preceded by
- developmentally related to
- developmentally succeeded by
- develops from
- develops from part of
- develops in
- develops into
- deviation (from_normal)
- device
- device utilizes material
- diagram
- diatomic nitrogen
- diatomic oxygen
- dimensionality reduction
- dimensionless unit
- dinitrogen
- dioxygen
- dipolar compound
- directive information entity
- directly develops from
- directly develops into
- directly negatively regulated by
- directly negatively regulates
- directly negatively regulates activity of
- directly positively regulated by
- directly positively regulates
- directly positively regulates activity of
- directly regulated by
- directly regulates
- directly regulates activity of
- disaster planning study
- discipline