Space Life Sciences Ontology
164 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 150 of 164 Records | Page: 3 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- envihab
- environment associated with a plant part or small plant
- environment associated with an animal part or small animal
- environment associated with an aquatic invertebrate
- environmental condition
- environmental contaminant
- environmental material
- environmental monitoring
- environmental pollution
- environmental radiation monitoring
- environmental radiation monitoring study
- environmental radionuclide transfer study
- environmental radon study
- environmental study
- environmental study
- environmental study_ abiotic_anthropogenic
- environmental study_abiotic
- environmental study_biota ( non human)
- environmental study_panbiota (all)
- environmental system
- environmental system determined by a material
- environmental system determined by a quality
- environmental system determined by an organism
- environmental system process
- environmental system process quality
- environmental zone
- enzyme inhibitor
- enzyme unit
- enzyme unit based unit
- epiblast (generic)
- epidemiological study
- epigenetic study
- epithelium
- equivalent dose
- erosion
- estuarine biome
- eukaryotic metabolite
- event
- evergreen (plant)
- example
- example of usage
- example to be eventually removed
- excess lifetime risk of cancer
- excitation function
- exemplar term
- experiment
- experiment
- experiment Apparatus
- experiment document
- experiment id