Space Life Sciences Ontology
101 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 101 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Fax
- Fe-56 ion radiation
- Female
- Format
- Format Encoding Schemes
- Foton-M2
- Foton-M3
- Friend
- f-block molecular entity
- facility
- factor
- factory
- failed exploratory term
- family name
- farm soil
- fast neutron
- fathom
- fathom based unit
- feature
- femto
- femtogram
- femtoliter
- femtomolar
- femtomole
- fermion
- fiat object
- field
- field campaign
- field soil
- figure
- file extension
- file name
- file thumbnail
- file type
- firmware
- first name
- flat
- flattened
- flattened elevation
- flexibility
- flooding
- fluence
- fluid astronomical body part
- fluid environmental material
- fluid front
- fluid interface layer
- fluid layer
- fluid ounce
- fluid ounce based unit