Space Life Sciences Ontology
101 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 101 Records | Page: 2 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- fluid surface layer
- flux
- food component
- foodWarning
- foot
- foot based unit
- foot candle
- foot candle based unit
- force unit
- forest area expansion
- forest biome
- forest canopy
- forest ecosystem
- forest process
- forest soil
- forested area
- format
- formation of a liquid aerosol from gaseous material in an atmosphere
- formation of a liquid aerosol in an atmosphere
- formation of a solid aerosol from gaseous material in an atmosphere
- formation of a solid aerosol from liquid material in an atmosphere
- formation of a solid aerosol in an atmosphere
- formato de empaquetado
- formatted name
- formed as result of
- formula
- fossil fuel
- fossil fuel power plant
- fraction
- fractionated radiation exposure
- freezing
- freezing of water into water ice
- frequency unit
- frozen
- frozen land
- frozen soil
- fuel
- fuelCapacity
- fuelConsumption
- fuelEfficiency
- function
- function of
- functionally related to
- fundamental particle
- funded
- fundedBy
- funder
- funds
- fungal metabolite
- furlong