Space Life Sciences Ontology
198 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 150 of 198 Records | Page: 3 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- has uid
- has url
- has value
- has value specification
- hasAlternativeId
- hasBroadSynonym
- hasDbXref
- hasExactSynonym
- hasNarrowSynonym
- hasOBOFormatVersion
- hasOBONamespace
- hasRole
- hasSynonym
- hasSynonymType
- has_genotype
- has_location
- has_member_count
- has_prefix
- has_qualifier
- has_rank
- has_related_synonym
- has_sequence
- has_sequence_feature
- has_specified_input
- has_specified_output
- has_string
- health status
- healthcare facility
- heat conduction unit
- heatmap
- heavy ion
- heavy ion radiation
- hectare
- hectare based unit
- helium atom
- helium molecular entity
- helium planet
- helium(2+)
- helper property (not for use in curation)
- herb and fern layer
- herbaceous
- hertz
- hertz based unit
- heteroatomic molecular entity
- heteroorganic entity
- hierarchical clustering
- high altitude
- high altitude research aircraft
- high linear energy transfer radiation
- high osmolarity environment