Space Life Sciences Ontology
188 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 188 Records | Page: 2 of 4, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- image id
- image name
- image resolution unit
- imaging study
- immaterial entity
- immediate transformation of
- immediately causally downstream of
- immediately causally upstream of
- immediately preceded by
- immediately precedes
- implementedBy
- implements
- in taxon
- inSubset
- inch
- inch based unit
- inchi
- inchikey
- incidence or prevalence study
- includedDataCatalog
- includedInDataCatalog
- includedInHealthInsurancePlan
- increased combustibility
- increased elevation
- increased humidity
- increased mass
- increased object quality
- increased osmolarity
- increased position
- increased quality
- increased viscosity
- independent continuant
- indirect cellular response to ionising radiation
- indirect cellular response to radiation
- indirect cellular response to stimulus
- indirectly causally upstream of
- indirectly negatively regulates
- indirectly positively regulates
- indirectly regulates
- individual behaviour study
- industrial building
- industrial waste material
- inflexible
- influencing factor
- information biomacromolecule
- information content entity
- information product
- information unit
- inheres in
- inhibitor