Space Life Sciences Ontology
138 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 138 Records | Page: 2 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- temperate evergreen needleleaf forest
- temperate forest
- temperate freshwater swamp forest
- temperate grassland
- temperate grassland biome
- temperate marginal sea biome
- temperate marine upwelling biome
- temperate mixed broadleaf forest
- temperate mixed forest
- temperate mixed forest biome
- temperate mixed needleleaf forest
- temperate savanna biome
- temperate sclerophyllous dry forest
- temperate shrubland biome
- temperate woodland biome
- temperature
- temperature of air
- temperature of environmental material
- temperature of soil
- temperature of water
- temperature unit
- temporal distribution quality
- temporally related to
- term editor
- term imported
- term split
- terms merged
- terrestrial biome
- terrestrial ecoregion
- terrestrial ecosystem
- terrestrial environmental zone
- terrestrial mining
- terrestrial natural environment
- terrestrial planet
- tesla
- tesla based unit
- texture
- therapeutics study
- therapeutics study
- thermal energy
- thermosphere
- thorium
- thou
- thou based unit
- tidal flow process
- tidal power plant
- tile
- tiled building roof
- time
- time unit