The Statistical Methods Ontology
119 terms(s) returned
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- STATO alternative term
- Satterthwaite degree of freedom approximation
- Scheffe test
- Scott's pi
- Shapiro-Wilk test
- Sidik-Jonkman estimator
- Source
- Spear box and whisker plot
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
- Student's t distribution
- Student's t-test
- Subject and Keywords
- sample from organism
- sample mean
- sampling distribution estimation by bootstrapping
- sampling from a probability distribution
- sampling variance
- scalar measurement datum
- scalar value specification
- scale estimator
- scaled identity covariance structure
- scaled t distribution
- scatter plot
- scatterplot matrix
- score
- scree plot
- screening library
- selection criterion
- selectivity ratio
- separation into different composition objective
- sequence data
- sequence feature identification objective
- sequence read
- sequence read count
- sequencing assay
- sequential multiple testing correction method
- sign test
- signal to noise ratio
- simple random sampling
- simultaneous multiple testing correction
- single factor design
- single fragment library
- single linkage hierarchical clustering
- singular value decomposition
- skewness
- slope
- smooth kernel distribution
- solid support function
- sort function