The Statistical Methods Ontology
241 terms(s) returned
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- 2x2 factorial design
- Benjamini and Hochberg false discovery rate correction method
- Benjamini and Yekutieli false discovery rate correction method
- DNA microarray
- DNA sequence data
- DNA sequencer
- DNA sequencing
- FWER adjusted p-value
- Holm-Bonferroni family-wise error rate correction method
- IEDB alternative term
- ISA alternative term
- Likelihood-ratio test
- RNA extraction
- RNA-seq assay
- Student's t-test
- achieves_planned_objective
- adding a material entity into a target
- adding material objective
- addition of molecular label
- agglomerative hierarchical clustering
- allele information
- analyte assay
- analyte measurement objective
- analyte role
- assay
- assay array
- assay objective
- average linkage hierarchical clustering
- average value
- averaging data transformation
- averaging objective
- biological feature identification objective
- cDNA library
- categorical label
- categorical measurement datum
- categorical value specification
- cell freezing medium
- center calculation data transformation
- center calculation objective
- center value
- chi square test
- class discovery data transformation
- class discovery objective
- cloning insert role
- cloning vector
- cloning vector role
- clustered data set
- collecting specimen from organism
- complete linkage hierarchical clustering