643 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 301 to 350 of 643 Records | Page: 7 of 13, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- demonstrates how to fulfil the requirements for
- denotator type
- description
- description
- descriptive metadata
- design and apply processes for attribution
- design processes for research integrity
- develop fair and open research strategy
- develop fair and open research vision
- develop open research strategy and vision
- digital archiving
- digital data
- digital infrastructure
- digital materials
- digital object
- digital object identifier
- digital preservation
- digital record
- digital research data
- digital scholarship
- digitisation
- disambiguation
- disposition
- disposition of
- document in lay terms
- document type definition
- documented data
- dublin core
- dynamic data
- electronic health record
- electronic medical record
- encoding schema
- engage innovation partners
- engaging in open innovation beyond academia
- entity
- ethical application of patents, licenses
- evaluation
- evaluation indicator
- evaluation of how to publish your data
- example to be eventually removed
- exposing data
- extensible markup language
- extensible resource identifier
- failed exploratory term
- fair cookbook recipe
- fair evaluation of repositories for data deposition
- fair mentoring
- fair metrics selection skills
- fair principle
- fair stewardship supervising