Mosquito gross anatomy ontology
1889 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 451 to 500 of 1889 Records | Page: 10 of 38, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- floor of pharynx
- foliform seta
- food meatus
- forecoxa
- forefemur
- foretarsus
- foretibia
- foretrochanter
- foreunguis
- forked scale
- forked seta
- fourth tarsomere
- frill
- fringe scale
- fringing seta
- frontal tuft
- furca
- furcasternal suture
- furcasternum
- fusiform scale
- galea
- galeastipes
- galeastipital fissure
- galeastipital stem
- ganglia
- gastric caeca
- genital lobe
- genitalia
- gonochoristic organism
- gonocoxite
- gonocoxopodite
- gonopore
- gonostylar claw
- gonostylus
- gonotreme
- granular plasmatocyte
- granulocyte
- grid
- gula
- gular area
- gular membrane
- gular pit
- hair
- halter
- has part
- has_broad_synonym
- has_exact_synonym
- has_narrow_synonym
- has_obo_format_version
- has_obo_namespace