Mosquito gross anatomy ontology
1889 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 501 to 550 of 1889 Records | Page: 11 of 38, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- has_related_synonym
- hemocoel
- hemocyte
- hemolymph
- hindcoxa
- hindfemur
- hindtarsus
- hindtibia
- hindtrochanter
- hindunguis
- hinge
- horn
- humeral crossvein
- humeral dark
- humeral pale
- humeral plate
- hypocranial ecdysial line
- hypocranium
- hypopharyngeal bar
- hypopharyngeal mala
- hypostigmal area
- hypostigmal scale
- hypostoma
- hypostomal area
- hypostomal bridge
- hypostomal ridge
- hypostomal sclerite
- hypostomal suture
- id
- immaterial anatomical entity
- incised blade
- incised hair
- inner chorion
- inner chorionic cell
- inner chorionic reticulum
- inner chorionic sculpture
- inner division
- inner dorsocentral scale
- inner flap
- inner lobe
- inner margin
- inner part
- inner sclerotized pharyngeal ring
- inner spiracular tooth
- inner tube
- insula
- insular seta
- interantennal groove
- interantennal ridge
- interantennal suture