Mosquito gross anatomy ontology
1889 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 301 to 350 of 1889 Records | Page: 7 of 38, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- cell R1
- cell R2
- cell R3
- cell R5
- cell Sc
- cell Sc1
- cell boundary
- cell component
- cells
- cellule
- cellule wall
- cephalic papilla
- cephaliger
- cephalothoracic seta
- cephalothorax
- cercal sclerite
- cercal seta
- cervical condyle
- cervical sclerite
- chorion
- chorionic pad
- cibarial armature
- cibarial bar
- cibarial crest
- cibarial dome
- cibarial ridge
- cibarial teeth
- claspette
- claspette filament
- claspette stem
- clypeal phragma
- clypeolabral strap
- collar
- columella
- comb
- comb plate
- comb scale
- comb-tipped filament
- comment
- common salivary duct
- compound organ
- compound organ component
- cone
- conoid
- coracoid
- corneal facet
- corolla
- coronal ecdysial line
- coronal gap
- coronal ridge