Mosquito gross anatomy ontology
396 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 150 of 396 Records | Page: 3 of 8, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- postero-lateral bare space
- posterolateral spiracular lobe
- posterolateral spiracular lobe plate I
- posterolateral spiracular lobe plate II
- postfrontal ridge
- postfrontal suture
- postgenal seta
- postgenital lobe
- postgenital plate
- postlabium
- postmedian notal wing process
- postmentum
- postmetasternal scale
- postnotum
- postprocoxal membrane
- postprocoxal scale
- postpronotal scale
- postpronotal seta
- postpronotum
- postscutal area
- postspiracular area
- postspiracular scale
- postspiracular seta
- posttarsus
- posttorma
- praefrontalnaht
- pre-antennal suture
- prealar apophysis
- prealar bridge
- prealar knob
- prealar scale
- prealar seta
- preapical dark
- preapical pale
- prearculus
- preartis
- preclypeus
- precoila
- precratal seta
- precubital furrow
- preepisternal groove
- prehumeral dark
- prehumeral pale
- prelabial apodeme
- prelabial cordate process
- prelabial crown
- prelabial cusp
- prelabial dental arch
- prelabial dental lamella
- prelabial denticulus