Plant Trait Ontology
70 terms(s) returned
Term Type: AnnotationProperty | Record: 1 to 50 of 70 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Allium_porrum
- Angiosperm
- Arabidopsis
- Bryophytes
- CL
- Citrus
- Cucurbita
- German synonym (exact)
- Glycine_max
- Gymnosperms
- Hordeum_vulgare
- IAO_0000231
- IAO_0010000
- Japanese synonym (exact)
- Maize
- Musa
- Poaceae
- Potato
- Pteridophytes
- RO_0002581
- RO_0002582
- Rice
- Saccharum
- Solanaceae_spp
- Spanish synonym (exact)
- Tomato
- TraitNet
- Triticum_aestivum
- Zea_mays
- comment
- consider
- created_by
- creation_date
- creator
- database_cross_reference
- date
- default-namespace
- definition
- deprecated
- description
- editor note
- has_alternative_id
- has_broad_synonym
- has_exact_synonym
- has_narrow_synonym
- has_obo_format_version
- has_obo_namespace
- has_rank
- has_related_synonym
- has_scope