Uberon multi-species anatomy ontology
1928 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 1928 Records | Page: 1 of 39, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- P1 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
- P2 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
- P3 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
- P4 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
- P5 area of pallium (Myxiniformes)
- Pacinian corpuscle
- Perigeniculate lamina of the lateral geniculate nucleus (sensu Mustela putorius furo)
- Perihypoglossal nuclei
- Peyer's patch
- Peyer's patch T cell area
- Peyer's patch epithelium
- Peyer's patch follicle
- Peyer's patch germinal center
- Press, Brewer, Dougherty, Wade and Wandell (2001) visuotopic area V7
- Purkinje cell layer corpus cerebelli
- Purkinje cell layer of cerebellar cortex
- Purkinje cell layer valvula cerebelli
- Purkinje fiber network
- pad
- pair of dorsal aortae
- pair of lungs
- pair of nares
- paired fin
- paired fin bud
- paired fin lepidotrichium
- paired fin radial bone
- paired fin radial cartilage
- paired fin radial element
- paired fin radial skeleton
- paired fin skeleton
- paired fin spine
- paired limb/fin
- paired limb/fin bud
- paired limb/fin bud mesenchyme
- paired limb/fin cartilage
- paired limb/fin field
- paired limb/fin segment
- paired limb/fin skeleton
- paired venous dural sinus
- palaeoniscoid scale
- palatal muscle
- palatal part of dermatocranium
- palatal taste bud
- palatal tooth
- palate bone
- palatine aponeurosis
- palatine bone
- palatine bone horizontal plate
- palatine cartilage
- palatine gland