Uberon multi-species anatomy ontology
630 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 630 Records | Page: 1 of 13, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- T cell domain
- T-shaped terminal phalanx
- T1 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T10 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T11 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T12 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T2 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T3 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T4 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T5 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T6 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T7 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T8 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- T9 segment of thoracic spinal cord
- Tootell and Hadjikhani (2001) LOC/LOP complex
- tabular bone
- tactile mechanoreceptor
- tadpole
- tadpole stage
- taenia coli
- taenia marginalis anterior
- taenia marginalis posterior
- taenia tecti marginalis
- taenia tecti medialis
- taenia tecti transversalis
- taenia tectum of brain
- taeniae tecti marginalis
- tail
- tail base gland
- tail blood vessel
- tail bud paraxial mesoderm
- tail connective tissue
- tail electric organ
- tail external integument structure
- tail fat pad
- tail feather
- tail fold of embryonic disc
- tail hair
- tail intervertebral disc
- tail of caudate nucleus
- tail of pancreas
- tail skin
- tail somite
- tail vasculature
- tail vein
- tailgut
- talocalcaneonavicular joint
- talofibular ligament
- talus
- tangential nucleus