Uberon multi-species anatomy ontology
39 terms(s) returned
Term Type: ObjectProperty | Record: 1 to 39 of 39 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- aboral to
- anterior to
- approximately perpendicular to
- deep to
- distal to
- distalmost part of
- dorsal to
- finishes axis
- immediately anterior to
- immediately deep to
- immediately posterior to
- immediately superficial to
- in anterior side of
- in central side of
- in deep part of
- in distal side of
- in dorsal side of
- in lateral side of
- in left side of
- in posterior side of
- in proximal side of
- in right side of
- in superficial part of
- in ventral side of
- intersects midsagittal plane of
- left of
- orthogonal to
- parallel to
- passes through
- postaxialmost part of
- posterior to
- preaxial to
- preaxialmost part of
- proximal to
- proximalmost part of
- right of
- starts axis
- superficial to
- ventral to