Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno)
18218 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 18151 to 18200 of 18218 Records | Page: 364 of 365, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- uterine tube infundibulum
- uterine tube infundibulum morphology phenotype
- uterine vulval cell development variant
- uterine vulval cell morphology variant
- uterine wall
- uterus
- uterus adenomyosis
- uterus atresia
- uterus atresia
- uterus atrophy
- uterus atrophy
- uterus cyst
- uterus cyst
- uterus development
- uterus fibrosis
- uterus fibrosis
- uterus hyperplasia
- uterus hyperplasia
- uterus hypertrophy
- uterus hypoplasia
- uterus hypoplasia
- uterus inflammation
- uterus mass phenotype
- uterus morphology phenotype
- uterus morphology variant
- uterus or analog
- uterus phenotype
- uterus physiology phenotype
- uterus prolapse
- uterus rupture
- uterus vacuole
- utilization of carbon source
- utilization of iron source
- utilization of magnesium source
- utilization of nitrogen source
- utilization of phosphorus source
- utilization of sulfur source
- utilization of zinc source
- utricle arrested otolith formation, abnormal
- utricle decreased size, abnormal
- utricle delayed otolith formation, abnormal
- utricle duct
- utricle duct morphology phenotype
- utricle has fewer parts of type lapillus, abnormal
- utricle has fewer parts of type stereocilium bundle auditory receptor cell, abnormal
- utricle increased occurrence apoptotic process, abnormal
- utricle increased size, abnormal
- utricle lacks all parts of type lapillus, abnormal
- utricle lacks parts or has fewer parts of type hair cell, abnormal
- utricle morphology, abnormal