Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno)
108 terms(s) returned
Term Type: Class | Record: 1 to 50 of 108 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- H lineages variant
- HSN differentiation precocious
- HSN migration variant
- habituation variant
- halothane hypersensitive
- halothane resistant
- hammerhead
- harsh body touch resistant
- hatching variant
- head behavior variant
- head bend angle decreased
- head bend angle increased
- head bend angle variant
- head bent
- head cavity
- head degeneration
- head development variant
- head levamisole resistant
- head morphology variant
- head movement decreased
- head movement increased
- head movement variant
- head muscle behavior variant
- head muscle contraction variant
- head muscle dystrophy
- head notched
- head protrusion
- head swollen
- head twisted
- head withdrawal defective
- healthspan phenotype
- helical cuticle
- heme levels decreased
- heme levels increased
- heme levels variant
- heparan sulfate biosynthesis variant
- hermaphrodite behavior variant
- hermaphrodite copulatory structure development variant
- hermaphrodite fertility reduced
- hermaphrodite fertility variant
- hermaphrodite germline proliferation variant
- hermaphrodite gonadal lineage variant
- hermaphrodite mating efficiency eliminated
- hermaphrodite mating efficiency reduced
- hermaphrodite mating variant
- hermaphrodite morphology variant
- hermaphrodite physiology variant
- hermaphrodite reproductive system morphology variant
- hermaphrodite self sterile
- hermaphrodite sex muscle development variant