Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno)
90 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 90 Records | Page: 1 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- B cell
- B cell of anorectum
- B cell of medullary sinus of lymph node
- B cell, CD19-positive
- B-1 B cell
- B-1a B cell
- B-1b B cell
- B-2 B cell
- B220-low CD38-negative unswitched memory B cell
- B220-low CD38-positive IgG-negative class switched memory B cell
- B220-low CD38-positive naive B cell
- B220-low CD38-positive unswitched memory B cell
- B220-positive CD38-negative unswitched memory B cell
- B220-positive CD38-positive IgG-negative class switched memory B cell
- B220-positive CD38-positive naive B cell
- B220-positive CD38-positive unswitched memory B cell
- BDS_subset
- Bergmann glial cell
- Bm1 B cell
- Bm2 B cell
- Bm2' B cell
- Bm3 B cell
- Bm3-delta B cell
- Bm4 B cell
- Boettcher cell
- barrier cell
- basal cell
- basal cell of epidermis
- basal cell of epithelium of bronchus
- basal cell of epithelium of respiratory bronchiole
- basal cell of epithelium of terminal bronchiole
- basal cell of epithelium of trachea
- basal cell of olfactory epithelium
- basal cell of prostate epithelium
- basal cell of urothelium
- basal epithelial cell of prostatic duct
- basal epithelial cell of tracheobronchial tree
- basal proper cell of olfactory epithelium
- basal-myoepithelial cell of mammary gland
- basket cell
- basophil
- basophil cell of pars distalis of adenohypophysis
- basophil mast progenitor cell
- basophil progenitor cell
- basophilic cytoplasm
- basophilic erythroblast
- basophilic myeloblast
- beige adipocyte
- binucleate cell
- biogenic amine secreting cell