Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno)
119 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 119 Records | Page: 1 of 3, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- B lineage variant
- Bacillus thuringiensis toxin hypersensitive
- Bacillus thuringiensis toxin resistant
- backing absent
- backing decreased
- backing increased
- backing not sustained
- backing uncoordinated
- backward kinker
- backward locomotion variant
- backward point velocity decreased
- backward point velocity increased
- backward point velocity variant
- bacterial load in gut variant
- bacterially unswollen
- bag of worms
- basal lamina development variant
- basal lamina morphology variant
- basement membrane composition phenotype
- basement membrane gap expansion variant
- basement membrane laminin level phenotype
- basement membrane phenotype
- basement membrane remodeling variant
- basement membrane type IV collagen level phenotype
- behavior phenotype
- benomyl response variant
- bent posture decreased
- bent posture increased
- bent posture variant
- benzaldehyde chemotaxis defective
- benzaldehyde chemotaxis variant
- biofilm absent head
- biogenic amine physiology variant
- biogenic amine receptor antagonist resistant
- biosynthesis variant
- biotin chemotaxis defective
- bisphenol A hypersensitive
- bisphenol A resistant
- bisphenol A response variant
- bitter tastant response variant
- bivulva
- blast cell development variant
- blast cell morphology variant
- blast cell physiology phenotype
- blast cell proliferation reduced
- blastocoel variant
- bleach hypersensitive
- bleach response variant
- blistered
- bloated