Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno)
94 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 94 of 94 Records | Page: 2 of 2, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- touch resistant tail
- touch-induced suppression of head movement defective
- track length decreased
- track length increased
- track length variant
- transdifferentiation defective
- transformer
- transgene expression increased
- transgene expression reduced
- transgene expression reduced hermaphrodite
- transgene expression reduced male
- transgene expression undetectable
- transgene expression undetectable cell specific
- transgene expression variant
- transgene induced cosuppression variant
- transgene silencing increased
- transgene silencing variant
- transgene subcellular localization variant
- transgenerational accumulation of histone methylation
- transgenerational loss of fertility
- transient bloating
- translation rate reduced
- translation repression variant
- translation variant
- transmission of nerve impulse variant
- transposon mutator
- transposon silencing variant
- trimethadione resistant
- trimethylthiazole chemotaxis defective
- trimethylthiazole chemotaxis variant
- tube morphogenesis variant
- tumor prolapse frequency decreased
- tumor prolapse frequency increased
- tumorous germline
- tunicamycin hypersensitive
- tunicamycin resistant
- tunicamycin response variant
- turning frequency increased
- turning frequency reduced
- turning frequency variant
- turning variant
- twisted pharynx
- twitcher
- two fold arrest