Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno)
19707 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 19707 Records | Page: 1 of 395, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- I band
- I band atrium absent, abnormal
- I band cardiac muscle absent, abnormal
- I band cardiac muscle cell absent, abnormal
- I band cardiac muscle cell increased length, abnormal
- I band cardiac muscle increased width, abnormal
- I band cardiac ventricle absent, abnormal
- I band interhyoideus absent, abnormal
- I band muscle increased size, abnormal
- I band skeletal muscle absent, abnormal
- I band skeletal muscle cell absent, abnormal
- I band skeletal muscle cell disorganized, abnormal
- I band skeletal muscle disorganized, abnormal
- I band somite morphology, abnormal
- IMP binding
- IMP cyclohydrolase activity
- IMP retina normal amount, abnormal
- IMP whole organism decreased amount, abnormal
- IMP(2-)
- IMPC_Prenatal
- Ichthyosis
- Ichthyosis follicularis
- Idiopathic anaphylaxis
- Idiosyncratic gesture
- Idiosyncratic use of words
- IgA deposition in the glomerulus
- IgA heavy chain paraproteinemia
- IgA immunoglobulin complex
- IgA immunoglobulin complex, circulating
- IgA memory B cell
- IgD immunoglobulin complex
- IgD immunoglobulin complex whole organism decreased amount, abnormal
- IgD immunoglobulin complex, circulating
- IgD-negative CD38-positive IgG memory B cell
- IgD-negative memory B cell
- IgD-positive CD38-positive IgG memory B cell
- IgE immunoglobulin complex
- IgE immunoglobulin complex, circulating
- IgE memory B cell
- IgG heavy chain paraproteinemia
- IgG immunoglobulin complex
- IgG immunoglobulin complex, circulating
- IgG memory B cell
- IgG-negative class switched memory B cell
- IgG-negative double negative memory B cell
- IgG-positive double negative memory B cell
- IgG4 autoimmune antibody positivity
- IgM heavy chain paraproteinemia