Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno)
9024 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 9024 Records | Page: 1 of 181, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- M band
- M band atrium morphology, abnormal
- M band cardiac ventricle absent, abnormal
- M band extraocular musculature morphology, abnormal
- M band fast muscle cell absent, abnormal
- M band fast muscle cell decreased amount, abnormal
- M band fast muscle cell disorganized, abnormal
- M band muscle cell morphology, abnormal
- M band myotome disorganized, abnormal
- M band skeletal muscle cell absent, abnormal
- M band skeletal muscle cell decreased amount, abnormal
- M band skeletal muscle cell disorganized, abnormal
- M band skeletal muscle cell morphology, abnormal
- M band skeletal muscle cell organization quality, abnormal
- M band skeletal muscle cell organized, abnormal
- M band skeletal muscle dispersed, abnormal
- M band skeletal muscle structure, abnormal
- M band slow muscle cell absent, abnormal
- M band slow muscle cell decreased amount, abnormal
- M band slow muscle cell morphology, abnormal
- M band slow muscle cell present, abnormal
- M band slow muscle cell spatial pattern, abnormal
- M cell quality, abnormal
- M line absent
- M line variant
- M lineage variant
- M phase
- M phase increased duration, abnormal
- MAP kinase activity
- MAP kinase activity disrupted, abnormal
- MAP kinase activity increased occurrence, abnormal
- MAP kinase activity phenotype
- MAP kinase kinase activity
- MAP kinase kinase activity disrupted, abnormal
- MAP kinase kinase activity increased rate, abnormal
- MAP kinase kinase activity phenotype
- MAP kinase kinase activity process quality, abnormal
- MAPK cascade
- MAPK cascade decreased process quality, abnormal
- MAPK cascade disrupted, abnormal
- MCM complex
- MCM complex assembly
- MCM core complex
- MCoD quality, abnormal
- MDA-5 signaling pathway
- MHC class I protein complex
- MHC class I protein complex assembly
- MHC class II protein complex
- MHC class II protein complex assembly
- MHC class Ib protein binding