Unified Phenotype Ontology (uPheno)
250 terms(s) returned
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- Z disc
- Z disc atrium absent, abnormal
- Z disc atrium blurry, abnormal
- Z disc atrium decreased length, abnormal
- Z disc atrium disorganized, abnormal
- Z disc atrium morphology, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle aggregated, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell absent, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell blurry, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell broken, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell decreased amount, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell decreased length, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell decreased size, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell disorganized, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell increased width, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell irregular spatial pattern, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell length, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell malformed, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell organized, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell patchy, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell shape, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell spatial pattern, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle cell structure, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle disorganized, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle increased width, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac muscle spatial pattern, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac ventricle decreased length, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac ventricle disorganized, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac ventricle increased length, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac ventricle increased thickness, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac ventricle morphology, abnormal
- Z disc cardiac ventricle present, abnormal
- Z disc extraocular musculature disorganized, abnormal
- Z disc extraocular musculature organized, abnormal
- Z disc extraocular musculature spatial pattern, abnormal
- Z disc fast muscle cell decreased amount, abnormal
- Z disc fast muscle cell disorganized, abnormal
- Z disc fast muscle cell increased thickness, abnormal
- Z disc fast muscle cell increased width, abnormal
- Z disc fast muscle cell irregular spatial pattern, abnormal
- Z disc fast muscle cell organized, abnormal
- Z disc head muscle disorganized, abnormal
- Z disc head muscle organized, abnormal
- Z disc head muscle spatial pattern, abnormal
- Z disc heart absent, abnormal
- Z disc heart blurry, abnormal
- Z disc heart disorganized, abnormal
- Z disc heart malformed, abnormal
- Z disc heart structure, abnormal
- Z disc interhyoideus absent, abnormal