Vertebrate Breed Ontology
781 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 501 to 550 of 781 Records | Page: 11 of 16, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Gramapriya, India (Chicken)
- Granada (Goat)
- Granadina, Honduras (Goat)
- Granadina, Mexico (Goat)
- Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (Dog)
- Grand Bleu de Gascogne (Dog)
- Grand Chinchilla, France (Rabbit)
- Grand Fauve de Bretagne (Dog)
- Grand Gascon-Saintongeois (Dog)
- Grand Griffon Vendeen (Dog)
- Grand Russe, France (Rabbit)
- Grande chèvre du Kasaï, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Goat)
- Graue Gehörnte Heidschnucke (Sheep)
- Graue Gehörnte Heidschnucke, Germany (Sheep)
- Graue Gehörnte Heidschnucke, Luxembourg (Sheep)
- Graue Wiener (Rabbit)
- Graue Wiener, Germany (Rabbit)
- Graue Wiener, Luxembourg (Rabbit)
- Grauna, Brazil (Goat)
- Grauvieh (Cattle)
- Grauvieh, Denmark (Cattle)
- Grauvieh, Germany (Cattle)
- Gray Brocket, Suriname (Deer)
- Gray Californian Striped, Ukraine (Chicken)
- Gray Jungle Fowl (Chicken)
- Grayish-brown, Kazakhstan (Cattle)
- Great Anglo-French Tricolor Hound (Dog)
- Great Anglo-French White and Black Hound (Dog)
- Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound (Dog)
- Great Dane (Dog)
- Great Dane, Black and Harlequin (Dog)
- Great Dane, Blue (Dog)
- Great Dane, Fawn and Brindle (Dog)
- Great Gascony Blue (Dog)
- Great Horse, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Horse)
- Great Japanese Dog (Dog)
- Great Pyrenees (Dog)
- Great Swiss Cattle Dog (Dog)
- Greater Caucasus (Cattle)
- Greater Caucasus, Georgia (Cattle)
- Greater Swiss Mountain Dog (Dog)
- Greek (Pig)
- Greek Blond, Greece (Cattle)
- Greek Buffalo, Greece (Buffalo)
- Greek Harehound (Dog)
- Greek Hound (Dog)
- Greek Red, Greece (Cattle)
- Greek Sheepdog (Dog)
- Greek Shepherd (Dog)
- Greek Shorthorn (Cattle)