Vertebrate Breed Ontology
781 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 51 to 100 of 781 Records | Page: 2 of 16, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Gallina Pedresa, Spain (Chicken)
- Gallina criolla o de rancho, Mexico (Chicken)
- Gallina de Guinea, Uruguay (Guinea fowl)
- Gallina de cuello desnudo, Mexico (Chicken)
- Gallina de patio, Nicaragua (Chicken)
- Gallina del Prat, Spain (Chicken)
- Gallina del Sobrarbe, Spain (Chicken)
- Galloanserae
- Galloway (Cattle)
- Galloway Pony, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Horse)
- Galloway, Australia (Cattle)
- Galloway, Austria (Cattle)
- Galloway, Azerbaijan (Cattle)
- Galloway, Brazil (Cattle)
- Galloway, Bulgaria (Cattle)
- Galloway, Canada (Cattle)
- Galloway, Czechia (Cattle)
- Galloway, Denmark (Cattle)
- Galloway, Finland (Cattle)
- Galloway, Germany (Cattle)
- Galloway, Hungary (Cattle)
- Galloway, Iceland (Cattle)
- Galloway, Kazakhstan (Cattle)
- Galloway, Kenya (Cattle)
- Galloway, Latvia (Cattle)
- Galloway, Norway (Cattle)
- Galloway, Peru (Cattle)
- Galloway, Philippines (Cattle)
- Galloway, Poland (Cattle)
- Galloway, Russian Federation (Cattle)
- Galloway, Slovakia (Cattle)
- Galloway, Slovenia (Cattle)
- Galloway, South Africa (Cattle)
- Galloway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Cattle)
- Galloway, United States of America (Cattle)
- Gallus
- Gallus gallus
- Galore, Ghana (Guinea fowl)
- Galshar, Mongolia (Horse)
- Galsharin ulaan, Mongolia (Goat)
- Galway (Sheep)
- Galway, Ireland (Sheep)
- Galway, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Sheep)
- Gambia Dwarf, Gambia (Cattle)
- Gambian N'dama (Cattle)
- Gambian N'dama, Gambia (Cattle)
- Gammel Dansk Hønsehund, Denmark (Dog)
- Gammelnorsk sau, Norway (Sheep)
- Gammelnorsk spaelsau, Norway (Sheep)
- Ganadi, Yemen (Sheep)