Vertebrate Breed Ontology
781 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 101 to 150 of 781 Records | Page: 3 of 16, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- Ganado Criollo Argentino, Argentina (Cattle)
- Ganda, Angola (Pig)
- Gang, China (Goose (domestic))
- Gangatiri, India (Cattle)
- Ganjam, India (Goat)
- Ganjam, India (Sheep)
- Ganso cabeza colourada, Chile (Goose (domestic))
- Gansu Alpine Fine-Wool (Sheep)
- Gansu Alpine Finewool, China (Sheep)
- Ganxi, China (Goat)
- Ganzhongna Spotted - Guanchao, China (Pig)
- Ganzhongnan Spotted, China (Pig)
- Ganzhongnan Spotted-Chayuan, China (Pig)
- Ganzhou White, China (Pig)
- Ganzi Tibetan, China (Cattle)
- Ganzi, China (Horse)
- Gao Taem (Cat)
- Gaok, Indonesia (Chicken)
- Gaolao (Cattle)
- Gaolao, India (Cattle)
- Gaoli Gongshan, China (Pig)
- Gaotai, China (Cattle)
- Gaoyou, China (Duck (domestic))
- Gara-ala, Azerbaijan (Cattle)
- Garabakh (Sheep)
- Garabakh, Azerbaijan (Horse)
- Garabakh, Azerbaijan (Sheep)
- Garadolakh, Azerbaijan (Sheep)
- Garafian Shepherd (Dog)
- Garbonosa, Poland (Goose (domestic))
- Garessina, Italy (Sheep)
- Garfagnana, Italy (Goat)
- Garfagnina Bianca, Italy (Sheep)
- Garfagnina, Italy (Cattle)
- Garganica, Italy (Goat)
- Garole, India (Sheep)
- Garrano, Portugal (Horse)
- Garre, Somalia (Goat)
- Garut, Indonesia (Sheep)
- Garvonesa, Portugal (Cattle)
- Gasara, Somalia (Cattle)
- Gascogne Braque Français (Dog)
- Gascon (Cattle)
- Gascon Chinois, Haiti (Pig)
- Gascon Saintongeois (Dog)
- Gascon Saintongeois, Great (Dog)
- Gascon Saintongeois, Small (Dog)
- Gascon x Chinois x Créole, Haiti (Pig)
- Gascon, Chile (Cattle)
- Gasconne, Canada (Cattle)