Vertebrate Breed Ontology
781 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 251 to 300 of 781 Records | Page: 6 of 16, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- German Pinscher, Black And Tan (Dog)
- German Pinscher, Self Coloured: Deer Red, Reddish-Brown To Dark Red Brown (Dog)
- German Pointer (Dog)
- German Red Pied (Cattle)
- German Rex (Cat)
- German Riding Pony (Horse)
- German Roughhaired Pointer (Dog)
- German Saddleback (Pig)
- German Sheeppoodle (Dog)
- German Shephard, Bangladesh (Dog)
- German Shepherd Dog (Dog)
- German Shepherd Dog, Double Coat (Dog)
- German Shepherd Dog, Long And Harsh Outer Coat (Dog)
- German Shepherd Dog, Non-White (Dog)
- German Shepherd Dog, Old (Dog)
- German Shepherd Dog, White (Dog)
- German Shorthaired Pointer (Dog)
- German Shorthorn (Cattle)
- German Spaniel (Dog)
- German Spitz (Dog)
- German Spitz, Giant (Dog)
- German Spitz, Giant Spitz Brown, Black (Dog)
- German Spitz, Giant Spitz White (Dog)
- German Spitz, Keeshond (Wolfspitz) (Dog)
- German Spitz, Klein (Dog)
- German Spitz, Medium Size Spitz Brown, Black (Dog)
- German Spitz, Medium Size Spitz Orange, Grey Shaded, Other Colours (Dog)
- German Spitz, Medium Size Spitz White (Dog)
- German Spitz, Miniature (Dog)
- German Spitz, Miniature Spitz Brown, Black (Dog)
- German Spitz, Miniature Spitz Orange, Grey Shaded, Other Colours (Dog)
- German Spitz, Miniature Spitz White (Dog)
- German Spitz, Mittel (Dog)
- German Spitz, Pomeranian (Dog)
- German Spitz, Standard (Dog)
- German Spitz, Toy (Dog)
- German Warmblood (Horse)
- German Warmblood, Australia (Horse)
- German White, Lithuania (Goat)
- German Whiteheaded Mutton (Sheep)
- German Wirehaired Pointer (Dog)
- German Wolfspitz (Dog)
- German black and white, Lithuania (Cattle)
- German red and white, Lithuania (Cattle)
- Germanata veneta, Italy (Duck (domestic))
- Germasia, Malaysia (Goat)
- Gerze, Turkey (Chicken)
- Geschecktes Bergschaf, Germany (Sheep)
- Gestrikefår, Sweden (Sheep)
- Ghab, Syrian Arab Republic (Buffalo)