Vertebrate Skeletal Anatomy Ontology-
42 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 42 of 42 Records | Page: 1 of 1, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- capable_of
- capable_of_producing
- cartilage element
- cartilage tissue
- cartilaginous
- caudal fin
- caudal fin lepidotrichium
- caudal fin skeleton
- cavitated compound organ
- cell
- cell component
- cell condensation
- cell space
- cellular bone tissue
- cementoblast
- cementoblast
- cementocyte
- cementocyte
- cementum
- chondroblast
- chondroblast
- chondrocyte
- chondrocyte
- chondrogenic condensation
- chondroid tissue
- chordablast
- chordamesodermal cell
- chordoblast
- columnar chondrocyte
- comment
- compound organ
- compound organ component
- connective tissue
- connective tissue cell
- coracoid
- cosmine
- cosmoid scale
- cranial skeleton
- craniofacial region
- craniofacial skeleton
- created_by
- creation_date