C. elegans phenotype
213 terms(s) returned
Term Type: | Record: 1 to 50 of 213 Records | Page: 1 of 5, First Previous Next Last | Show Records Per Page |
- AB
- AB lineage cell
- Anatomy
- B cell
- B lineage cell
- C
- C lineage cell
- C. elegans anatomical entity
- Cell
- D
- D lineage cell
- E
- E lineage cell
- F cell
- Functional system
- G cell
- G1
- H0L
- K cell
- Lineage
- M cell
- M lineage cell
- MS
- MS lineage cell
- Organ system
- P lineage cell
- P0
- P1
- P7.pppp
- PHso1L
- Psub4
- Q lineage cell
- Sex specific entity
- TL
- Tissue
- U cell
- W cell
- Y cell
- Z1.apppaaaa
- Z1.paapp male
- Z4.appp male
- accessory cell
- alimentary muscle
- alimentary system
- amphid neuron
- amphid sensillum
- amphid sheath cell