C. elegans Gross Anatomy Ontology
126 terms(s) returned
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- ILshVR
- ILsoDL
- ILsoDR
- ILsoL
- ILsoR
- ILsoVL
- ILsoVR
- In.a nucleus
- In.p nucleus
- id
- immediately causally downstream of
- immediately causally upstream of
- immediately preceded by
- immediately precedes
- inSubset
- independent continuant
- indirectly causally upstream of
- indirectly negatively regulates
- indirectly positively regulates
- indirectly regulates
- inner labial neuron
- inner labial sensillum
- inner longitudinal muscle
- input of
- int1DL
- int1DR
- int1VL
- int1VR
- int2D
- int2V
- int3D embryonic
- int3D post-embryonic
- int3V embryonic
- int3V post-embryonic
- int4D embryonic
- int4D post-embryonic
- int4V embryonic
- int4V post-embryonic
- int5L embryonic
- int5L post-embryonic
- int5R embryonic
- int5R post-embryonic
- int6L embryonic
- int6L post-embryonic
- int6R embryonic
- int6R post-embryonic
- int7L embryonic
- int7L post-embryonic
- int7R embryonic
- int7R post-embryonic